Trading Journal As of 29 Jul 2011

Except for the ITW trade, here is the update for this week.

The following position was stopped out.

Stopped Out Long Position

JM Smucker

JM Smucker - Finally Stopped Out. Overall a Profitable Trade

JM Smucker Daily Chart

Had exited half of the following position

Sell Half Position (Short)


GBPAUD, Sell Half to Capture Remaining Profit

GBPAUD Daily Chart

For the rest, SP Corp and Starhub long positions are still open. The USDCHF, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc and Metlife Inc short position are stilling running.

However, I am expecting more positions to be stopped out next week. Stay tune for my update.


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Trading Journal As of 22 Jul 2011

The following trades were stopped out this week.

Stopped Out Short Positions

CapitaMalls Asia Ltd

CapitaMalls Asia Ltd - Stopped Out Due to Stoploss Triggered

CapitaMalls Asia Ltd Daily Chart

Textron Inc

Textron Inc, Stopped Out Due to Upward Spike

Textron Inc Daily Chart

Wells Fargo and Company

Wells Fargo and Company, Stopped Out Due to Upward Spike

Wells Fargo and Company Daily Chart

Had exited half of the following positions

Sell Half Positions (Short)

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc

Jacobs Engineeringg Grp Inc, Sell Half to Capture Remaining Profit

Jacobs Engineeringg Grp Inc Daily Chart

Metlife Inc

Metlife Inc, Sell Half to Capture Remaining Profit

Metlife Inc Daily Chart

Had entered the following positions.

Short Position


GBPAUD - Shorting Using Trendline Break

GBPAUD Daily Chart

Long Position

JM Smucker (Also Sold Half)

JM Smucker - Entered on the Breakout. Also Sold Half to Capture Remaining Profit

JM Smucker Daily Chart

USDCHF short, SP Corp and Starhub long positions still remain.

Seems like short positions on equities are running out of steam. Let’s continue to monitor for further development

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Trading Journal As of 15 Jul 2011

USDCHF short trade, Starhub and SP Corp long trade remain.

Added CapitaMalls Asia, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc, Metlife Inc, Textron Inc and Wells Fargo and Company to the short trade this week.

CapitaMalls Asia Daily Chart

Jacobs Engineering Grp Inc Daily Chart

Metlife Inc Daily Chart

Textron Inc Daily Chart

Wells Fargo & Company Daily Chart


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A Trading Disaster Happened

Woke up yesterday to find that Illinois Tool Works Inc(ITW) buy order was triggered at $57.61. Check with the Yahoo Finance to discover that stock has never reach this price. Called up marketmaker trading helpdesk and was told this

“As conversed over the phone, your pending order (ITW) was correctly filled. I understand you have different sources to refer to, but all orders placed on CMC Markets’ platform must be referred to the CMC Prices on our platform as well. Kindly click the URL Link below (Clause 3.8) to see the explanation so that you may learn about how it works.

Kindly also see the following where I attached the chart for the particular counter you traded on. The charts are always available for clients to determine if their pending orders are triggered but not determined by the prices from underlying market or prices from other providers. ”

Today, found out ITW trade has exited with a loss due to gap down.

Traders beware.

Illinois Tool Works Inc Daily Chart Trading Disaster

Illinois Tool Works Inc Daily Chart

At least I always enter every trade with a pre-defined stoploss. Always prepare for the unexpected. The above can also be prevented by using marketmakers with direct market access (DMA)


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