Trading Journal As of 30 Sep 2011

Here is this week’s update

Short Positions (Initiated and Stopped Out)


GBPAUD - Shorted During Turnaround

GBPAUD Daily Chart

Shorted when it was turning around. Too bad it did not work out.

Exited half of the following short postions.

Short Positions (Exit Half)

Indofood Agri Resources Ltd

Indofood Agri Resources Ltd - Taking Partial Profit

Indofood Agri Resources Ltd Daily Chart

Wing Tai

Wing Tai - Taken Partial Profit

Wing Tai Daily Chart

Mapletree Logistic Trust

Mapletree Logistic Trust - Taken Partial Profit

Mapletree Logistic Trust Daily Chart

It’s good to take some profits for the above three short positions as this will minimise our risks.

SATS and EURJPY short positions are still alive.

I am going for T Harv Eker’s “ENLIGHTENED WARRIOR TRAINING CAMP” so there may not be any update next week


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Trading Journal As of 23 Sep 2011

Here is the update for this week

Short Positions (Initiated and Exited Half)


EURJPY - Shorted Using Trendline Break (Exited Half)

EURJPY Daily Chart

Had entered using the trendline break. Taken partial profit by exiting half position.

Short Positions (Initiated)

Indofood Agri Resources Ltd

Indofood Agri Resources Ltd - Shorting Using Trendline Break

Indofood Agri Resources Ltd Daily Chart

Shorted using trendline break.

The rest of the short positions (Wal-mart, Mapletree Logistic Trust, SATS and Wing Tai)  are still alive. It’s great to see the bears back again!!!


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Trading Journal As of 16 Sep 2011

What a disappointing week!

The following are positions initiated and stopped out.

Short Positions (Initiated and Stopped Out)

Entergy Corp

Entergy Corp - Entered Due to Fake Out, Stopped Out As A Result

Entergy Corp Daily Chart

PG & E Corp

PG & E Corp - Entered Due to Fake Out, Stopped Out As A Result

PG & E Corp Daily Chart


These are the stopped out positions

Short Positions (Stopped Out)


GBPAUD - Stopped out Due to Rebound

GBPAUD Daily Chart

Overall a profitable trade.


EURAUD - Stopped Out Due to Rebound

EURAUD Daily Chart

Overall a profitable trade as well.

The following are the newly initiated short positions

Short Positions

Mapletree Logistic Trust

Mapletree Logistic Trust - Shorting Using Trendline Break

Mapletree Logistic Trust Daily Chart


SATS - Shorting Using Trendline Break

SATS Daily Chart

Wing Tai

Wing Tai - Short Using Support Break

Wing Tai DAily Chart

Wal-mart short position is still alive.

This is a treacherous week. I am thankful the forex trades are able to cover these losses with profits. Let’s see when the bull will run out of steam. As trend traders, we can only participate. In the meantime, trade carefully.


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Trading Journal As of 9 Sep 2011

Added the following trade this week

Short Position

Wal-mart Stores Inc.

Wal-mart Stores Inc. - Scouting the Market

Wal-mart Stores Inc. Daily Chart

This trade was initiated using the trendline break. Let’s see how the trade will develop from here.

EURAUD and GBPAUD short trades still remain. As the market condition is still uncertain, only the Wal-mart trade was taken. If this trade can survive, then more US short trades may be initiated.


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Trading Journal As of 2 Sep 2011

COMEX 2011 has just ended. I have just got myself a new laptop. (a.k.a money-making machine)  Currently transferring my data to my new money-making machine. 🙂

Here is the update for this week.

Stopped Out Short Position

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc

Jacobs Engg Grp Inc - Stopped Out Due to Short Squeeze

Jacobs Engg Grp Inc Daily Chart

This trade was stopped out due to the short squeeze. Overall it was a profitable trade initiated in July. (see post)

Singapore Exchange

Singapore Exchange - Stopped Out Due to Short Squeeze

Singapore Exchange Daily Chart

This trade was also stopped out due to the short squeeze. Overall it was a profitable trade.

Sembcorp Industries Ltd

SemCorp Ind - Stopped Out Due to Short Squeeze

SemCorp Ind Daily Chart

This is the 3rd trade to be stopped out due to the short squeeze. Overall it was a very profitable trade.

Had exited half of the following position

Exit Half Position (Short)


EURAUD - Exited Half of Short Position

EURAUD Daily Chart

Taken partial profit for this forex trade.

For the rest, only GBPAUD short trade still remain.

Short-covering is the theme for this week. Except for the forex trades, the rest of the short positions were stopped out . It is nice to take some money of the table. Patiently waiting for more trading opportunities……


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