Trading Journal As of 7 Apr 2017

Here is this week’s update. No charts provided as the upload media function was broken.

Long Position (Exited)

Cache Log Trust (SG)

Trade was entered at $0.835 and exited at $0.875. Overall a profitable trade.

Long Position (Stopped Out)

Ying Li Intl Real Estate Ltd (SG)

Trade was entered at $0.164 and exited at $0.152. Overall a losing trade.

Long Position (Initiated)

Sheng Siong Grp Ltd (SG)

Trade was entered at $0.965.

Long trades Capitaland Retail China Trust, Cosco Corp Ltd, Interra Resources Ltd, Keppel REIT, Mapletree Greater China Comm Trust and Sunpower Grp Ltd are still alive.

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Trading Journal As of 31 Mar 2017

Here is this week’s update.

Long Positions (Stopped Out)

Alliance Mineral Asset Ltd (SG)

Alliance Mineral Asset Ltd - Exited Long When Red Line was Broken

Alliance Mineral Asset Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $0.097 and exited at $0.295. Overall a very profitable trade.

MM2 Asia Ltd (SG)

MM2 Asia Ltd - Exited Long When Red Line was Broken

MM2 Asia Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $0.495band exited at $0.465. Overall a losing trade.

Long Positions (Initiated)

Cache Log Trust (SG)

Cache Log Trust - Entered Long When Red Line was Broken

Cache Log Trust Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $0.835.

Capitaland Retail China Trust (SG)

Capitaland Retail China Trust - Entered Long When Red Line was Broken

Capitaland Retail China Trust Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $1.485.

Cosco Corp Ltd (SG)

Cosco Corp Ltd - Entered Long When Red Line was Broken

Cosco Corp Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $0.31.

Mapletree Greater China Comm Trust (SG)

Mapletree Greater China Comm Trust - Entered Long When Red Line was Broken

Mapletree Greater China Comm Trust Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $1.025.

Sunpower Grp Ltd (SG)

Sunpower Grp Ltd - Entered Long When Red Line was Broken

Sunpower Grp Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $0.83.

Long trades Interra Resources Ltd, Keppel REIT and Ying Li Intl Real Estate Ltd are still alive.

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Trading Journal As of 20 Jun 2014

Here is this week’s update.

Long Position (Stopped Out)

Cache Log Trust (SG)

Cache Log Trust - Exited Long When Red Line was Broken

Cache Log Trust Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $1.19 and exited at $1.20. Overall a losing trade due to transaction and financial charges.

Long Positions (Initiated)

Falcon Energy Grp Ltd (SG)

Falcon Energy Grp Ltd - Entered Long When Red Line was Broken

Falcon Energy Grp Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $0.395.

Ying Li Real Estate Ltd (SG)

Ying Li Real Estate Ltd - Entered Long When Red Line was Broken

Ying Li Real Estate Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $0.295.


Long trades (Frasers Commercial Trust, Frencken Grp Ltd, Suntec REIT and United Envirotech Ltd) are still alive.

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Trading Journal As of 13 Jun 2014

Here is this week’s update.

Long Position (Stopped Out)

Jaya Hldgs Ltd (SG)

Jaya Hldgs Ltd

Jaya Hldgs Ltd Daily Chart After Ex-dividend Adjustment

Trade was entered at $0.805. Due to the ex-dividend of $0.625, this trade was exited at $0.191 due to the “gap down” before ex-dividend adjustment was made. Overall still a profitable trade due to the $0.625 dividend collected.

Long trades (Cache Log Trust, Frasers Commercial Trust, Frencken Grp Ltd, Suntec REIT and United Envirotech Ltd) are still alive.

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Trading Journal As of 6 Jun 2014

Here is this week’s update.

Long Position (Stopped Out)

Centurion Corp Ltd (SG)

Centurion Corp Ltd - Exited Long When Red Line was Broken

Centurion Corp Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $0.755 and exited at $0.725. Overall a losing trade.

Long Positions (Initiated)

Jaya Hldgs Ltd (SG)

Jaya Hldgs Ltd - Entered Long When Red Line was Broken

Jaya Hldgs Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $0.805.

Long trades (Cache Log Trust, Frasers Commercial Trust, Frencken Grp Ltd, Suntec REIT and United Envirotech Ltd) are still alive.

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Trading Journal As of 30 May 2014

Here is this week’s update.

Long Positions (Initiated)

Centurion Corp Ltd (SG)

Centurion Corp Ltd - Entered Long When Red Line was Broken

Centurion Corp Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $0.755.

Frasers Commercial Trust (SG)

Frasers Commercial Trust - Entered Long WHen Red Line was Broken

Frasers Commercial Trust Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $1.35.

United Envirotech Ltd  (SG)

United Envirotech Ltd - Entered Long When Red Line was Broken

United Envirotech Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $1.33.

Long trades (Cache Log Trust, Frencken Grp Ltd and Suntec REIT) are still alive.


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Trading Journal As of 23 May 2014

Here is this week’s update.

Long Positions (Stopped Out)

Indofood Agri Resources Ltd (SG)

Indofood Agri Resources Ltd - Exited Long When Red Line was Broken

Indofood Agri Resources Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $1.08 and exited at $1.03. Overall a losing trade.

Long Positions (Initiated)

Frencken Grp Ltd  (SG)

Frencken Grp Ltd - Entered Long When Red Line was Broken

Frencken Grp Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $0.37.

Long trades (Cache Log Trust and Suntec REIT) are still alive.

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Trading Journal As of 9 May 2014

Here is this week’s update.

Long Positions (Initiated)

Indofood Agri Resources Ltd (SG)

Indofood Agri Resources Ltd - Entered Long Red Line was Broken

Indofood Agri Resources Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $1.08.

Cache Log Trust (SG)

Cache Log Trust - Entered Long When Red Line was Broken

Cache Log Trust Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $1.19.

Suntec REIT long trade is still alive.


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Trading Journal As of 25 Oct 2013

Here is this week’s update.

Short Positions (Stopped Out)

Cache Log Trust (SG)

Cache Log Trust - Exited Short When Red Line was Broken

Cache Log Trust Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $1.165 and exited at $1.195. Overall a losing trade.

Cambridge Ind Trust (SG)

Cambridge Ind Trust - Exited Short When Red Line was Broken

Cambridge Ind Trust Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $0.665 and exited at $0.685. Overall a losing trade.

Singapore Post Ltd  (SG)

Singapore Post Ltd - Exited Short When Red Line was Broken

Singapore Post Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $1.26 and exited at $1.285. Overall a losing trade.

Vard Hldgs Ltd (SG)

Vard Hldgs Ltd - Exited Short When Red Line was Broken

Vard Hldgs Ltd Daily Chart

Trade was entered at $0.90 and exited at $0.87. Overall a winning trade.


Only Singtel short trade is still alive. So far only one out of four trades turn out to be a winner. This is not a favourable condition for trend trading. Stay out and avoid initiating new positions until more trending opportunities are available.


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